Sunday, April 1, 2012

make money so easy with forex

This year I have continued to roam the internet looking for the fastest way to get money from the internet. Starting from the PTC, PPC, etc. I have tried.

After wandering I finally found one of the fastest ways to collect dollars from the Internet, the forex.

why forex…???
here is some reasons:
  • Forex trading opportunities 24 hours a day 5 days a week
  • The function of leverage (leverage / multiplier), meaning a relatively small capital you can generate far greater profits. Example: without leverage you will only get $ 0.01/point with a capital of $ 100. But with leverage 1:100, then you can make $ 1/point with
    the same capital ($ 100).
  • There are many brokers forex (foreign exchange) online that provide free facilities commission, the minimum capital is relatively small, transaction costs (spread) of small, interest-free (without riba, halal for Muslims), automated trading facility (robot).
  • Liquidity is very high, meaning that you can make buying and selling forex instantly at any time without having to wait to see if there are buyers or sellers.
  • Forex has a 2 way opportunities, that means you can generate a profit of 2-way, when the market goes up or even when the market falls. This does not apply to other types of investment (one way opportunity), for example stocks.
One that I recommend is instaforex. why instaforex? Instaforex has a leverage of up to 1:1000. Instaforex will also give you a welcome bonus of 30% of your initial deposit. In addition instaforex will give the commission if we invite others to join. We will use this one facility to get more money. you join insta as my referral then everytime, remember everytime I received a commission from insta because of your transaction, then I will send 10% to you. Is not that fair enough ...? because if you join without referral you will not get anything. while for the trading I suggest you practice first with a demo account. But as long as you were practicing with a demo account you can still make money. Would not that time is very valuable?it is by using forexcopy from instaforex. I will explain Forexcopy behind. Now we begin to discuss how to join instaforex.

  • Fill in all required data. And use valid phone number because you will be sent sms that contains account numbers, passwords and PIN numbers to withdraw.

make sure leverage 1:1000 to ensure enough robustness margin.make sure again that  affiliate code is DQOA. that is my code. So that you will be listed as my referral, and i will send 10% from my comission to you. If you do not want it please leave blank. after all is filled klik open account.

Forexcopy is a facility from instaforex which allow a trader instaforex to copy transaction from another trader. So you do not need to do anything but your account will do transactions automatically according to the trader that you follow you dont need even turn on your computer. As I said before as long as you practice with a demo account, you can still make money with this facility. with following the more experienced trader. And as long as you practice with a demo account, Your money will continue to grow. Once you feel proficient enough, you can stop or continue your forexcopy.step to join forexcopy:

  • insert account number and your password then click login

  • click subscribe.

Any time you can check your account to see the growth of your balance.

Good luck.

i will transfer 10% commission to you using instawallet. so please activate your instawallet. you can activate it using left menu after you login to trader cabinet. thank you

Saturday, November 19, 2011

marketiva free $5 welcome bonus

excellence Marketiva

1. Bonus $ 5 cash, and $ 10,000 of virtual money to practice after you register!
2. Spread from 2 pips.
3. There are no trading commissions
4. Virtual demo and live trading with an account
5. Latest economic news
6. Alerts on market events
7. Trading margins ranging from 1%
8. 24-hour customer support (Indonesian)
9. Deposit and withdraw an easy and fast
10. Chatting can be a fellow member.
11. Charting tools are very easy to use
12. One (1) account for forex, funds, index etc..
13. Can Trading Through Mobile ... etc. ..

If you are new in forex, I suggest to signup Marketiva. as most successful traders, started its business from Marketiva.

There are 3 Process Register at Marketiva until you can start trading forex:
1. list Marketiva
2. Download streamster
3. Verification of personal data
FINISH ... you can already trading forex at Marketiva

How to signup Marketiva:

1. click here

2. Click on Open Account

3. Fill in all fields marked *
4. Username: select the name or call you a unique because it is later used for chatting with other members of Marketiva.
5. Password: fill in at least 8 characters, combined with numbers.
6. First Name: your first name.
7. Midle Initial: Your middle name initials if you've got.
8. Last Name: Your last name.
9. Street Address: fill in your address in accordance with your ID.
10. City: your city name on the ID.
11. ZIP / Postal Code: Zip Code.
12. State: provinces that you occupy.
13. Country: Choose Indonesia.
14. Phone: enter phone no home or HP are still active.
15. E-mail: fill in your email address is still active and there is often used, because each confirmation and notification will be sent to the e-mail address that you entered now.
16. After completing his form, click "Continue". both form and content
17. In the second form, select Standard Forex Trader.
18. There are charging coupons, leave as is.
19. For "Recovery Question" and "Recovery Answer" please be filled in accordance with which you remember and like, because it will be asked if you forget your password Marketiva.
20. Click "Next" to proceed to ratification sheet and the agreement with Marketiva.
21. On this page, is a procedural from brokerage firms to investors. It is an obligation to notify the company risks - risks that exist in foreign currency trading so that investors do not feel aggrieved if the loss is so great and not sue the company because the brokerage firm is only as a facilitator only. Then in the next stetment, from the Investor that the Investor has understood itself to all agreements that have been made with the Marketiva.
22. Click "Finish" as a symbol that you have to agree with existing agreements. and then you will be in direct toward the sheet "Get Streamer" to download the software from Marketiva.
23. Click on "Streamer TM Installation Package", after that please you install on your computer. Remember after install do not immediately open the program, but continue to advance the process of verifying your identity.

The next step should be done is you have to verify the data themselves.
Do not start trading prior to further your data in the form of ID card / license has not been diverivikasi. Because your account will be in susspended by Marketiva. Verification of data in advance and wait there marketiva approval email.

How to verify the data themselves:
1. Scan your ID card front and back with each of a maximum size of 100KB only. if none can scan using hp camera. use fotoshop to resize
2. Click the following link Marketiva.
3. after you click the link above you will be asked username and password first. Enter your username and password that you created earlier, then click "Login"
4. Enter the ID card scanned the front and your back on each column by clicking on browse TSB.
5. When finished browsing click upload and wait until the results of your successful upload.
6. Open the program that was installed earlier Streamster and fill in the username & password.

DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING StreamsterTo start forex trading transactions (forex trading) in Marketiva, you need software Streamster, please Download by pressing the buttons get in the top right streamster Marketiva website and install on your computer, then run the program Marketiva, login with your username and password you just you make. After you finish downloading, double click the file you downloaded to install it on your computer, follow the steps that are required.
LOGIN AND START TO TRANSACTOnce you log into the chat room go international and Indonesian scientists, how to click the button at the top of the window groups streamster, wait a minute until the displayed list of available rooms, select international and Indonesia, click OK, then you automatically enter the international room and Indonesia. To start trading, ask Marketiva support personnel from using Indonesian, allowed in rooms or in rooms International Indonesia. Support personnel are people with a nick that is the letter 'i' (information) in front of their nick, they will be happy to help you understand the ways to transact in Marketiva.

remember to practice first with virtual money.Congratulations on a stock trading online forex trading! .. Achieve an infinite profit!